
We support and provide technical development advice and system building technology for
mutually win-win business operations such as holographic device, optical recording technology,
and production process technology development based on hologram source technology
and commercialization technology.

- We design, develop, manufacture and supply holographic optical systems
including holographic optical components and measurement and control software.

Surface relief hologram apparatus and techniques

Holographic Laser & LED Lithography

Lithographic Apparatus for Hologram & Micronano Patterning

A laser pattern generator or direct writing system with SLM technology (spatial light modulator) with 5 axes of motion,
designed to produce precision micropatterns, grayscale lithography on flat or curved surfaces below a rectangle,
so that the minimum spot 'beam shaper' can be achieved sub-wavelength to the exposure phase level of binary
structures, and SLM technology creates powerful micro-pattern generators that can be expanded by combining
high-resolution laser beams and electron beams, such as laser beams and electron beams, for micro-optical devices,
masks, Can be used to make CGH, beam shapers, deflective or refractive lenses and lens arrays.

Hologram Embossing Machine

In Line Coating Embossing & UV Imprinting Hologram Machine

A device that enables simultaneous embossable primer coating and hologram embossing (& UV imprinting) for each application that can be engraved with a hologram master by attaching a hologram master to it.

Inline Holographic Embossing Device
UV curing device for holographic soft mold replica production

Volume hologram devices and techniques

Optical Hologram Recording System

As a hologram optical system for recording holographic stereograms of analog & digitally
designed animation contents, it is a hologram optical system that uses 3 types of R, G, and B lasers
to record holograms by type, such as reflective, transmissive, monocolor, and full color system.

Holographic stereogram integrated control device
Holographic stereogram integrated control screen

Volume Hologram Replication System

Volume holograms must be optically and continuously reproduced through a recorded laser
light source, unlike surface asperity holograms that are continuously produced physically
and chemically. We are developing volumetric hologram continuous production equipment for
continuous production of reflective and transmissive holograms.

Automatic Diffraction Efficiency Measurement System

Holographic AR glass, which can become an axis of the next-generation display industry,
a device that can measure the diffraction efficiency of recorded and recorded holograms
HOE(Holographic Optical Elements) used in holographic head-up displays,
and Technical support on how.

Angular Selectivity Diffraction Efficiency Measurement Patent Diagram
Wavelength selective diffraction efficiency measurement patent diagram